December 7, 2010

What a Surprise! Snowball Survival Kit

One of the unexpected blessings of blogging has been the incredible women I've met and befriended online. One such woman - Katherine Marie - surprised my girls this week with a Snowball Fight Survival Kit!

In true Katherine Marie-style, it was adorable and filled with sweet goodies: hot cocoa mix, mini marshmallows, red M&Ms, cookie wafers, spiced cider mix, and rope (licorice). The gift was simple, inexpensive, and completely made our day! Thanks, Katherine, for thinking of us and spreading your Christmas cheer!

While it's cold enough to snow, we won't see the white stuff for another 6 weeks or so (if at all), but I've got a whole pile of clean socks just waiting to be balled up and thrown at an unsuspecting child. :) You've got to love indoor snowball fights!

I Love Christmas by Anna Walker

I Love ChristmasHere's a Christmas book Katherine Marie recommends. Our library doesn't have it, but as soon as I can get to B&N, I'm going on a hunt for it!

Ollie is a zebra (perhaps the cutest ever!) and tells us all the things he loves about Christmas: twinkly lights, tinsel, angels and reindeer. The text is sparse and the illustrations are oh-so-adorable. I can't wait to get my hands on it!


  1. What fun! I've heard of snowman soup but this is the first time I've seen this idea.

  2. That is so cute! Enjoy the blessing :-)

  3. That is SNOW cool...(really? "Snow" cool? I am sorry- it's the best I could come up with...)

  4. Awww that is so sweet of your friend to send you a gift like that!! :) That makes me want to spread the holiday cheer as well!

  5. I'm so delighted your liked your little box!! :):):)

  6. I've never had an indoor snowball fight. That must be tons of fun!!! ~Val

  7. Love it! =)
    I about fell over dead when the mail came...and she had gone to all that effort...I'm not worthy...but I do think a great big bloggy friend get together would be awesome!

  8. You lucky duck! How incredibly thoughtful and sweet!
