August 4, 2010

Ride the Math Train!

Inspired by Katherine Marie's domino robots, I created an addition train for E this evening.

Each car held two dominoes, perfect for adding together vertically. (C'mon, you know you're jealous of my mad drawing skills!)

It actually took me longer to draw the train then it did for E to finish the problems. You can almost see her little wheels turning...

The Boxcar Children Books by Gertrude Warner

The Boxcar Children Books 1-4It's a week for classics! Do you remember these? I believe this was my first introduction to reading chapter books on my own. I must have been six or seven years old, but I still remember the story of four orphaned siblings and their adventures while living in a boxcar. The books are wholesome, exciting, and a perfect introduction to chapter books.

I just ordered the set of four for E. I plan on reading the first one outloud to her at bedtime and letting her enjoy devouring the rest on her own.

I'm linking up to:
- ABC & 123's Show & Tell


  1. What a great idea!! I wonder if I can use this in preschool too? I love Katherine Maria too!!!!

  2. Brilliant! That train is so cute! Love seeing her mental wheels turn!

  3. I love the pictures. The train is great too.

    I have meant to get The Boxcar Children books and I keep forgetting. I'm going to do it now. Thanks.

  4. I can totally see those wheels turning. Awesome!

  5. That is perhaps one of the most interesting addition lessons I've ever seen.

  6. My daughter would love this! Can you believe we don't own a set of dominos?!?...I think we will soon. :)

    And I loved all the Boxcar Children books. I read all of the original ones, before someone else started writing more.

  7. I LOVED the Boxcar children! I wanted to be one of them!

  8. I loved these Boxcar Children books! I should purchase some for my oldest! :)

  9. Love your MATH TRAIN!!!! Your daughter's expression is absolutely precious.

  10. What a BRILLIANT idea! And your daughter's expressions are priceless!

  11. My MIL, a former math teacher, swears by teaching with dominoes. She'd love this idea.

  12. I think you're going to have to copyright and xerox that train image! Another great idea and believe it or not, we just received a box of dominoes as a gift from a conference I attended. The girls like building little towers and forts with them, but now we're going to jumping on the math train.
