August 16, 2010

Alphabet Secret Agent

Our theme this week is Secret Agents! This afternoon, Special Agent E received this important message:

(Forgive me the hat... I didn't have a fedora.) E was thrilled to receive her own special assignment and spent over an hour running around the house and yard looking for objects beginning with each letter of the alphabet. I gave her an old iphone to take the pictures, which thrilled her even more. Halfway through, she asked to see our children's dictionary to help her come up with ideas for different letters. I was impressed with everything she was able to find! (A is for "animal," btw.)

When she'd finished her mission, she received two thumbs up from her handler! What more could a secret agent want? :)

Agent A To Agent Z by Andy Rash

Agent A To Agent ZIt is not easy finding picture books about special agents, so I was excited to find this one. Agent A is given the mission: find the agent who's unofficial, the one not using words with his initial. He goes through the alphabet of agents, each doing secret-agent-y things starting with his particular letter. All of them pan out... all, except Agent A that is!

The illustrations are cartoony, using dark colors that I think would particularly appeal to little boys. While this is an ABC book, it's larger vocabulary is not geared toward toddlers, and I'd recommend it for older preschool and up.

I'm linking up to:
- Milk N' Honey's Monday Shareday
- ABC & 123's Show & Tell 
- Nurture Store's Play Academy 
- We Play @ Childhood 101


  1. Oh WOW! I now have the theme to "Mission Impossible" running through my head!

  2. Oh, please link up to my Monday Shareday:

  3. Wow - good book find! We are doing secret agent week next week too!

  4. This is too gorgeous! I can't wait to try this with my kids!

    I love all the elements of this:
    - The individualised video for your daughter
    - The responsibility of having a camera to take their shots and document their finds
    - Being able to use a dictionary when she got stuck, and get get ideas.

    So great! Thanks for sharing!

  5. What a great idea. My daughter is really keen to get her hands on our camera at the moment and she will love this mission.
    P.S. I run a Play Academy every Friday promoting learning through play - would you come and link up with us to share your idea?

  6. That is awesome. I can't wait till my kids are a little bit older to do this.

  7. Just in case you didn't know already, you are the coolest mom ever.

    I just have to do this. We love your ideas.

  8. Um- Can I come and live at your house for a while? You have too much fun!

    This is so clever! :)

    I love that part of the mission was to "not wake up your baby sister!" So important!

  9. So awesome! I can't wait until the Dudimus is into secret agent-y stuff, that looks like so much fun!

  10. You are so cute! Love the video!

    And how in the world do you have an "old iphone"??? Feel free to pass any other old iphones you have lying around the house to me! :)

  11. Your blog is so fun!

  12. really fun idea! Juliet would love this!

  13. Thanks for linking up to Monday Shareday!!

  14. what a fun way to work on the alphabet! we'll definitely try this with our preschooler soon!

  15. You are such an awesome mom! This is great!

  16. LOVE all these ideas!! I can't wait to try these secret agent themed projects! DS is gonna have a BLAST!!!

  17. Thank you so much for coming over and sharing this with our Play Academy :)

  18. Love the ideas! I think I'll try the toddler-age one with my boys...sounds like something they'd love!

  19. A fantastic idea, and the photos would make a great collage wall poster to remind her of her asignment (and her letters!)

  20. Alright, you are officially THE COOLEST Mom EVER! Can't wait to see what else you guys are up to, off to explore your site!

  21. Such a fun idea. I'm making notes for our letter of the week homework pages for school. Thank you :)

  22. This is SO adorable! I love it! I'm linking up to this from my reading blog. I've been going over your website. I think you'll enjoy mine too. CUTE STUFF! Really cute! Thanks for sharing.

  23. Thanks for sharing this great idea.

    I put my 6 year old son to work :-)

    See how it turned out!

    Greetz Mirjam
