April 1, 2010

Because we're tired of bunnies...

I'm starting to feel a little Easter-ed out, so we took a break today from the bunnies to do a simple little froggy craft to go along with this simple little froggy book:

One Frog Too Many by Mercer & Marianna Mayer

One Frog Too Many (Boy, Dog, Frog)
This wordless book is chock full of gorgeous ink drawings. With a stroke of the pen, the Mayers convey a full range of emotions through their lovable characters: boy, dog, frog, turtle, and new frog. The story unfolds as Boy receives a new frog as a gift. Old frog is not happy about the new addition and does everything he can to oust new frog. When old frog goes too far, he learns the ugly side of jealousy.

We've owned this book for over a year, but this was the first time I pulled it out and asked E to "read" it to me. She did such a great job; I wish I had taped it. This is a wonderful activity for early literacy, even for kids like E who are already reading.

Just look how the illustrations clearly show jealousy, guilt, remorse, anger and grief. I know my kids can relate to frog's naughtiness!

To go along with the book, we created this Little Rock Frog from E's precious pebble collection. I was inspired by this page on Martha Stewart. She has examples of frogs, turtles, and even a dachshund, so you can create the entire cast of characters if you'd like.

All we did to create this little guy was glue together three pebbles using super glue and a hot glue gun (it's what I had). E painted him green and then add spots with a paint pen. I put on the finishing touches. In no time he was all dry and ready to play outside!

And just so A wouldn't feel left out when she woke up from naptime, I painted this little lady bug...

I'm linking up to:
stART @ A Mommy's Adventure
Feed Me Books Friday @ The Adventure of Motherhood 


  1. Cute rock pets :). I have this idea filed for my weekly craft with the kiddos. (Pssst. I'm tired of bunnies too.)

  2. Mercer Meyer is a great illustrator.He did the illustrations for the the Great Brain series by John D. Fitzgerald. My boys loved the series, but it's for older kids (8 years and up). Mike

  3. Bunnies are over for us too, since we celebrate the equinox without waiting for the easter date.

    The rocks are cute! Unfortunately, all the rocks available here are still covered in snow!

  4. This little froggy is so CUTE! We are over bunnies now too!

    Thanks for another cute craft! :)

  5. I love how your frog turned out, and what a great idea to get your daughter to tell her own story on the wordless book. It made me go to the library and look for wordless books right away.

  6. Great book - and I love your frog, it's too cute.

  7. Hi there

    So glad I found your blog! I just love this book! We have been focussing on the feeling of "Jealousy" and this book would be such a wonderful addition to our learning!

    Thanks for sharing!


  8. I love it! What a cute project and a neat book.

  9. Your newest follower! Love this book, must definately see if I can find this. I have a little notebook that I keep with me when I visit blogs, your pebble friends are finding their way into my notebook! Such an awesome idea! Will link back to you when we do make this. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Your projects always turn out so beautifully! You can even make rocks look good :)

    I also like to use wordless picture books as a storytelling device. It is fun to hear the story in your child's words.

  11. I love Mercer Meyer and that rock frog is too cute!

  12. My little one loves rocks and loves painting - this is an awesome idea!!! That frog is great and the book looks wonderful!

  13. I do love me some frogs. Frog and Toad are some of my favorite books. They were the theme for Luke's nursery.

  14. Oh! I'm oohing and ahhing all over the place. I need to buy 2 of that book. One to frame some of those pages and the other to read and have my B read to me.

    The pebble frog is adorable! Thanks so much for linking up! I love your enthusiasm for books!

  15. There's always room for another frog at our house! That's such a cute project!

  16. That turned out so cute! I love rock crafts.

  17. Oh my goodness, I love a good craft to go along with a book. Thanks for the book suggestion and the craft ideas!

  18. When froggy went a courting, I don't believe he went after a ladybug, did he? ;0)

    P.S. I love using picture books with no words for our little non-readers...makes them feel important to "read" something all by themselves!
