March 8, 2010

Tails from Thailand

I had the awesome privilege of spending two months in Thailand when I was 16. The country and it's kind, generous people made an indelible impression on my young soul. To this day, I love all things Thai. So it is no surprise that when we decided to sponsor a child through Compassion, I chose a little Thai girl. We pray for Aom nightly, but I wanted to get the girls more invested in their Thai sister, so we are learning all about her homeland this week.

Peek!: A Thai Hide-and-Seek by Minfong Ho

Peek!: A Thai Hide-and-SeekWe love this book! The illustrations are gorgeous, full-color eye-candy and the story is simple and precious. A father plays Jing-Ay (Thai for Peek-a-boo) with his daughter. She hides all around their home while her father keeps finding animals instead of his daughter. The animals start off simple and common, like a dog and a bird, but move more exotic and dangerous: snake, elephant, tiger. Eventually the father has had enough and begs his daughter to come out!

Both of my girls (5 and 19 months) enjoyed the book. A liked pointing at the different animals and E loved trying to find the little girl hiding in each picture. I loved that the inside of the book is covered in Thai writing. It's a wonderful introduction to the sights and animals of another country!


To go along with the book, I created a Thai-themed Sensory Bin for A to play with this morning. I filled it with rice (of course!) and added chopsticks and animals found in the book.


She promptly evicted the animals and spent her time drawing in the rice with the chopsticks.


After the fun of that activity wore off, I drew a R for rice with glue on construction paper and let her drop handfuls of rice on top. When we shook it off we had a beautiful letter R!


Tomorrow we're going to read another book by Minfong Ho and explore what it's like to live in a Thai village!

Thank you to everyone for your kind comments and emails concerning my father's passing. We had a beautiful memorial service for him, and though we continue to grieve, I am grateful to get back into our daily routine... including blogging!

I'm linking up to: What My Child is Reading


  1. I will be going to Thailand in 3 months time!! Going to spend it with my brother who lives there YAY. Interesting to see your post :)

  2. PS Where did you go????? Just an inquiring mind, it will be my 5th time visiting him yippee (yes I am excited lol)

  3. I'm so jealous! I spent a month in Chang Mai and a month in Bangkok with a week in Pattaya. We also visited a couple mountain villages and some towns surrounding Bangkok. I would love to go again and bring my husband, but I'm not sure I could do that plane ride again. It's just about as far from here as one can get!

  4. Evicted the animals??? A and Z would not approve of their cousin's toy choice :). Hope she's feeling better soon.

  5. I love the picture inside the book. I don't know of a child that wouldn't love to see the illustrations! I also love your activities to go with the book. Funny how your daughter wanted to evict the animals!

  6. Thank you for joining this week! This book looks delicious, and I am adding it to our list of books to read about exotic destinations. I am pretty sure that my daughter would have evicted animals as well - she is not exactly into animals despite reading so many books about them.
