February 17, 2010

Kids in the Kitchen - Bunny Cakes!

We're baking up a storm this week! Yesterday it was sugar cookies, and today it is bunny cakes! What is a bunny cake? Well, I am so glad you asked...

Bunny Cakes by Rosemary Wells

Bunny Cakes (Max and Ruby)
Little bunnies Max and Ruby decide to make cakes for their Grandma's birthday. Max goes outside and makes an earthworm and mud cake with caterpillar icing. Ruby works on her own angel surprise cake with raspberry fluff frosting. When Ruby sends Max to the store to pick up the ingredients he spoiled, Max is determined to get from the grocer his own secret ingredient.

Simple, clever, and oh-so-cute, this book is a joy to read. I think younger children especially will enjoy the interaction of tenacious Max and his bossy big sister.

I first found this book on Filth Wizardry where they read the book and made both the cakes. I gave E a choice between the pink cake or the worm cake. You can guess how long she deliberated over that one. Before we could decorate the cake, however, we first needed to bake it...

Harvey the Baker by Lars Klinting

Harvey the Baker (Handy Harvey)I wasn't familiar with the "Handy Harvey" stories, but E received this as a Christmas present years ago. It is a very simple story that tells how Harvey and his friend chip baked a birthday cake. Each page goes over another step of the baking process, focusing quite a bit on gathering together the ingredients and tools they need.

It sounds like a dull read, but E has always really loved this book. Even as a two-year-old, she liked to listen to and point to the pictures of the eggs, butter, bowl, mixer, etc. The end of the book provides the recipe for Harvey's cake, so I decided this was the perfect opportunity to try it out.

We gathered all of our ingredients, just like in the book.


Then we followed all of the steps to make the simple cake. The recipe called for 4 oz. of sugar, so I used it as an opportunity to give E this math problem: "There's 8 oz. in a cup and 4 is half of 8, so how much sugar do we need?" She said half a cup! My child is brilliant. ;)

I have to tell you that the cake itself didn't turn out very well. The taste was a little off and the texture was strange. But we covered it in gobs of pink buttercream icing, so who cares?

Once the cake cooled it was time to decorate.


One pair of bunny ears, several tablespoons of sprinkles, and a bowl of marshmallows later, and we had ourselves one beautiful bunny cake!


I'm linking up to:
- stART at A Mommy's Adventure


  1. I just love Rosemary Wells. The bunny ears make it perfect too. :)

  2. Just lovely- but when are you going to make Max's mud cake? ;0)

  3. My daughter loves Max & Ruby books, this is one of her favorites. How cute that you made bunny cakes!

  4. How fun it is to really follow the book in making a cake. I've never heard of Handy Harvey series before - this book sounds really interesting.

  5. I love the Max and Ruby books, they're so cute. I can totally see how a step by step would be interesting for kids.
    Cake turned out cute. And buttercream icing makes everything better.

  6. I always love the pictures of E with her creations. She is such a sweet child. :)
