January 22, 2010

No Need for a Doggy Bag

We finish up our week of puppy madness with a tempting feast for your litter! Whether you are doing a puppy birthday party or just want to fix a special lunch for your kids, this is a simple and fun lunch.


We used paper plates for easy cleanup, but I served out of dog food bowls. Check the Dollar Store for cheap bowls. 25 cents got me a bone-shaped cookie cutter which I used on PB&J sandwiches.


I also served - what else? - hot dogs! After the mommies (my best friends - aren't they beautiful?) got our kids set up with the finger food, we were able to sit down and eat up!


The centerpiece was a basket full of dollar store puppies. Simple, cute, and perfect for party favors.


Dog by Matthew Van Fleet

It doesn't get much cuter than this! A book full of adorable doggies, pull-out tabs, textured spots... what more could you ask for? Well, maybe an actual story, but the list of opposites is fun and instructive. The interactivity in the book is perfect for kids of all ages: clever enough for older kids to enjoy and sturdy enough to keep babies from destroying. I laughed out loud in the store when I got to the tab that lifts the doggy's leg (yes, so he can pee) - so apparently it's fun for adults as well... or I'm easily amused.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. That party is soo cute!!! And I must say that the little boy in these pics is soooo cute!!!

  2. Love love love the doggie bowls... What FUN! Thanks so much for sharing this!!!!

  3. My son has been begging for a doggy party! This is super cute!
