December 23, 2009

A Little Sweetness

I'll admit it... I got nothing. It's the day before Christmas Eve - can you call it Christmas Eve Eve? - and I am up to my eyeballs in things to do.

There's presents to sew, gifts to wrap, desserts to bake, and of course the baby has a double ear infection. The kids have watched more TV then read books, and I've been too busy with my own projects to do any kids crafts.

Be that as it may, this week Little Page convinced me to take a break long enough to make some Jello Jigglers. Who doesn't have time for Jello? We whipped it up before naptime (2 big boxes of jello mix and 2 1/2 cups boiling water, stirred for 3 min and poured into a 9x13 pan) and then pulled it out of the fridge after dinner.

I grabbed the Christmas cookie cutters and she and I dug in. (The baby and my hubby do not care for Jello. Crazy, huh?)

A little moment of sweetness shared in the midst of holiday busyness! Instead of yet another kids Christmas book, take a moment to read this... it's a great reminder for all of us busy moms.

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