September 7, 2011

P is for Peacock

I'm beginning to love the peacock (along with the rest of Pinterest and the world). All those rich colors just beg to be incorporated into a fun craft.

To make our peacocks, we started out with coffee filters, blue & green food-coloring, water, and an old medicine dropper. I love this activity with little ones and have used it before to make fall leaves. Once the coffee filters were dry, I cut out some simple shapes for the peacock's body and let the girls assemble their birds.

To make A's tail, I simply folded the filter asymmetrically in half and then again in thirds. I then made the mistake of giving her an entire bottle of elmers glue. (I HIGHLY recommend using a glue stick with this project.) I also took the opportunity to teach her how to write and upper and lowercase P.

To give E a bit more of a challenge, I cut out feathers from the filter to let her create her own unique peacock.

I love what she came up with!

Limelight Larry by Leigh Hodgkinson

Larry LOVES being in the limelight. He just knows this book is going to be FANTASTIC because it's all about him! But as more and more animals weigh in on what the story should be about, Larry becomes increasingly annoyed. How dare these characters steal his spotlight! He wishes they would just go away. But when Larry gets his wish, he learns that being alone in the limelight is a lonely place to be.

My girls and I love this clever little story with its cast of quirky characters. The illustrations are equally as quirky but also lovely. Our favorite page contains a gorgeous illustration of Larry in all his glory with shiny foil highlights.

Disclaimer: Limelight Larry was provided to me courtesy of Tiger Tales Books free of charge in exchange for a review. This does not in any way influence my review.


  1. This is great! E did such a great job--I love her creativity!

  2. It's beautiful, P is a very important letter around here and this is such a special project to showcase it. E would love it and think it's very pretty.

  3. This is so pretty! I love the food coloring effect on the coffee filters... my son would LOVE this too! :)

  4. Awesome. I love peacocks and love this craft. I have been looking for a peacock inspired craft and this is perfect.

  5. Beautiful! I'm surprised that there aren't a ton children's books about peacocks. Such a showy, fun bird.

  6. Love the coffee filters for the tail! As babies, both my girls loved the peacock in the book TAILS. They will love Limelight Larry!
