February 7, 2011

Best Get Well Book... for a cold or a crash!

I was driving home from work on Friday when a car spun out of control on the interstate and slammed into me at about 60 miles an hour.

I'm sore, but alive and with all bones and organs undamaged. As my mother said, "God bless the engineers of the Dodge Grand Caravan!" 

My children were NOT in the car with me and after seeing how horribly A's car seat failed, I cannot praise God enough for His protection on my family! (I'm shopping online today for new - safer! - carseats for the girls.)

I have been showered with love this weekend, as I recover from the bruises and stiff muscles. My husband is taking great care of me and the girls, and we've had so much food dropped off, I'm bound to gain 20 lbs during my convalescence. My husband's Great Aunt Jean (one of the best gift-givers alive) also dropped off the newest Caldecott Winner:

A Sick Day for Amos McGee by Philip Christian Stead

A Sick Day for Amos McGeeSuch a sweet, gentle book! Amos McGee spends each day the same: going about his duties at the zoo, keeping the animals company. He plays chess with the elephant, races the tortoise, keeps the shy penguin company, and reads stories to the owl (who's afraid of the dark). But when Amos is too sick to go to work, the animals seek him out and reward his friendship by helping to care for him.

The illustrations are truly Caldecott-worthy, but it's the lesson of friendship and empathy in the story that make it great. A perfect gift for anyone feeling under the weather!


  1. Thank God you are ok and that the girls weren't with you. That had to be a frightening experience. You know, it's amazing how we don't know each other or our other blogger friend personally, but my eyes welled up with tears reading your story and seeing your car. I really am glad you are ok!

  2. I am so glad you are going to be okay. The carseat picture is scary. It is a blessing no one was in the seat.

  3. WOW looking at your car's pictures!! You had a Guardian Angel with you girl...no doubt about that. PTL you're not hurt too bad and that your children were not with you. Those carseats are scary..bbbrrrr

  4. Glad to hear that you are ok, and for the girls sake, I'm glad they weren't with you. Gosh those seats look horrible!

  5. Praise God the girls weren't with you! I'm so glad you came out okay. I hope the person who hit you came out as well!

  6. sending prayers your way...glad it was not worse...get well soon...Jennifer

  7. I saw Beth's post on FB about your accident and it made me sick to my stomach to see those carseats. I'm so happy the kids weren't with you. How terrifying! Thank goodness you are ok too.

    As far as car seats go, we are Britax fans. Your car insurance will probably pay for the replacement of your old ones.

  8. Oh and happy belated birthday!

  9. How terrifying! So glad that God was watching out for you and your girls. Pictures just take my breath away. Thanks for the book suggestion! We've had our share of sick days around here lately! Love that Great Aunt Jean brought a get-well book!

  10. Oh my goodness, so glad you are okay! That car seat picture is really scary.

  11. Girl--love that shot of you in the hospital--especially since you are smiling! :) So glad you are safe and the girls were not with you.

    What was the problem with the other carseats? Did they come unbuckled? We have a britax for juliet--what are you finding to be the best options out there? This is so frightening. Again, praising God that your little ones were not injured!

  12. Man oh man is the picture of the carseats scary! I'm so glad you're okay and I hope your recovery is speedy!

  13. Oh gosh...this post made my stomach lurch. So glad you're okay!! And man! That picture of the carseat...sca-ry!! Wishing you a quick relief from sore muscles.

  14. OH MY GOODNESS!!! that looks CRAZY SCAREY but thank God you ARE ok!! you might check, I have heard of carseat companies wanting their seats back that have been in accidents for research & I believe, there was a coupon or some benefit for you in the deal.

  15. OK-this is weird-I was just thinking about you and your blog today...wondering how you were doing...

    I must say, I am GLAD to see you are ALIVE! I agree with your mother-
    "God bless the engineers of the Dodge Grand Caravan!"

  16. Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!

    I'll be praying you find a good car seat and that you continue to recover.

    And yet again with the OW!

  17. Oh my, tahnk goodness you are all ok and then goodness your kids were NOT in the car.

  18. Thank God you are okay and the kids were not in the car! That is very scary about the car seat. I used Britax car seats and now use Clek booster seats. Let us know what you end up getting!

  19. Thank God you are ok!!! I can't believe what happened to the car seat! That is horrifying! I hope you heal up soon. ~Val

  20. oh wow. the pic of the car seat gave me chills. SO glad you are ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  21. I am so sorry to hear about your accident!

    Thank God that you were not seriously injured and that the children were not with you. The car seat picture was just awful!!

    I wish you a speedy recovery!


  22. OMG - God was really watching over you. It could have been so much worse. How about the other car - were people in it OK?

  23. Didn't expect to see those pictures when I visited your site today. Yes, thankfully God was watching over you and your family.

    I'm also wondering what happened to the one car seat... I imagine since you kids weren't with you that it wasn't buckled and that's why it flew. Very scary.

    That Caldecott title is the perfect gift!

  24. I heard about your crash via Emily Arters on Facebook and I was definitely praying!! So glad your girls weren't with you. That is so scary about the carseat!! Obviously the booster wasn't buckled in, but I can't believe the other carseat came unbuckled!! Was it the carseat the failed or the straps on the van?

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I am so glad that you are okay! Wishing you a very speedy recovery!! It's always so difficult when the Mama of the house is out of action:)!
