January 1, 2011

A New Years Tradition

Every New Years my husband and I search the Christmas tree for this little box ornament.

Inside are all our prayer requests for the past year. Some of the requests are straight-forward, like healing for our toddler's constant ear infections. Others are lifelong, like wisdom and grace to help us parent these precious children.

 But whether the request was large or small, we are always amazed and blessed by God's faithfulness throughout the year. With gratitude, we read through last year's prayers, remove the little sheet of paper, and replace it with a new note full of hopes and fears for the future year.

So before you put away those Christmas ornaments, think about writing out a little list of your own and tucking it inside. This time next year you too will stand in awe of God's loving kindness.

Happy New Year!


  1. What a great tradition! I'll have to look for a little box like that.

  2. What a very beautiful tradition! Just love it! Also love the picture of the girls. Blessings in 2011! Kerri

  3. I love this idea. I may just need to unpack my ornaments and hide a not in them.

  4. BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL tradition! I hope that 2011 is a year of GREAT JOY and happiness for you all!

  5. I'm glad she linked to this on All Things Beautiful, because I had meant to comment and got distracted.

    LOVE this idea!

  6. I love this. Thank you for sharing. I plan to make a list of my own tomorrow.

  7. Fantastic tradition!!!
    I will be adding that to our families today...as we put our tree away!

  8. Hey bloggy friend, I love your blog and I think you really deserve an award which is waiting for you at my blog! We are so happy we found you! Blessings!

  9. How did I not know you all did this?!?!? I love it! How special and meaniful and what a testament to the kids to see how God works in our lives!

  10. This is precious! What a great idea.

  11. This is such a precious idea. Thanks for sharing!

  12. This is precious. Thank you for sharing!
