August 9, 2010

Excuse the Interruption

Our regularly scheduled programming will return as soon as I finish up some projects for work. Did you know I still worked part-time? I'm a web media producer for a local university and I also freelance as a graphic designer. Both jobs have projects piling up, and I need to focus on finishing them since those pay me actual cash (verses this blog which pays me in fun, quality kid-time, and friends like YOU)!

I'll be back by next week with a fun new theme! In the meantime, check out some of these old themes:

- Apples
- Watermelon
- Trains
- Mermaids
- Mice
- Princesses
- Thailand
- Colors
- Butterflies
- Feelings


  1. Wow! My hat is really off to all you working mothers who still find time to craft, and blog!

  2. The job is very part-time, but with the fall semester looming, my projects are piling up.

  3. We would all love to see some of your graphic design work!!! I bet it is just as exceptional as all the rest of the stuff you do.

  4. Ah your secret is out, I didn't know you were a graphic designer. Must be why your blog always looks so darn purdy☺
